In April 2017, we started providing the Child Health Information Services (CHIS) for North West London, looking after approximately 464,000 0-19 year olds and South East London looking after approximately 490,000 0-19 year olds. Followed by the South West CHIS in April 2018, looking after approximately 708,000 0-19 year olds.
Through our vast experience of providing a robust data integration service for Child Health, Health Intelligence has moved into providing CHISs.
A CHIS is an NHS commissioned service that is responsible for collating data from various organisations for all children aged 0-19 that are either residents or registered with a GP Practice in a specified area, into a single Child Health Record. The child health record begins from birth of the child and monitors the care processes and screening of the child, such as Newborn Blood Spot or hearing assessments through to the various immunisations (stated within the NHS National Vaccination Schedule). Data is received from with organisations such as Public Health, Health Visitors, School Nursing and Immunisations teams to help with increasing vaccination coverage to prevent outbreaks of disease, supporting the healthy child programme, assisting in the delivery of children’s public health services and safeguarding vulnerable children.
The aims of our CHIS services are to:
- Have a Child Health Record for each and every child within our area, regardless of the child is registered at a GP Practice or not
- Obtain all data from the respective care provider(s) for all children for the aspects of care given to each child, for example screening and immunisation
- Provide NHS compliant data sharing arrangements which will allow the appropriate healthcare professionals and parent/guardians to access the child health records
- Eradicate costly paper based data flows with more efficient electronic interfaces to receive the information more quickly
Our CHIS services adhere to the latest NHS England Service Specification and through our innovation and passion to improve the health of children, we meet the aims and objectives of the NHS Child Health Digital Strategy.
Take a look at our healthcare professional websites:
North West and South East London CHISs:
South West CHIS: